On October 12, 2023, I met Mr. Ferda Gelegen, Deputy Head of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Tokyo Investment and Technology Promotion Office with Ms. Nanami Wakayama, Representative Director of Our Farms Nepal Pvt Ltd, which has created 2,000 jobs in Nepal. We exchanged opinions.
UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in developing countries and countries in transition to a market economy, and supports the sustainable economic development of these countries.
The UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office ,Tokyo (UNIDO Tokyo Office) was established in March 1981 under an agreement between UNIDO and the Government of Japan. Its main purpose is to promote direct investment and technology transfer from Japan in order to support sustainable economic development in developing and emerging countries.
We touched upon Mr. Gelegen’s insights, learned about the world situation and the current state of war, and exchanged views on what we can do to improve our planet, aiming for a world without wars. We were deeply impressed by Mr. Gelegen’s experience, kindness, and generosity.
I feel that the time of dialogue, transcending borders, industries, and generations, is an important step toward building connections and understanding each other in order to build a society without war. Thank you very much for this meaningful time.
We look forward to continuing our collaboration and making our planet a more beautiful place together.