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【Ven. Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta】MOVIE & MASSAGE

By 2023年6月20日July 24th, 2023Feature Leaders News EN, Leaders News EN

“One Day,” one of the message movies by spiritual leader Ven. Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta.

She herself has cancer, but she said, “We can make good use of our pain and suffering. Even if you are infected with COVID, do not infect your mind” .  We hope you will receive a warm message from her.

We will also share with you the loving message sent to the leaders during the discussion with Ms. Ai Sasaki (Chairperson of ASIA WOMEN LEADERS FORUM).

We hope you will receive the loving message from Ven. Mae Chee Sansanee, who cherished the serenity of contentment in  heart.
Our sincere respect to her for being a great leader.

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She passed away aged 68.

― A message of love from Ven. Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta ―

January 20, 2020 at Sathira-Dhammasathan, a holistic facility in Thailand founded by Ven. Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta


First, let’s take some time to feel our bodies (meditation).

Thank you for coming all the way here from across the country and for this wonderful opportunity. First of all, praise yourself for coming to this opportunity under various circumstances and for having worked so hard to get here.

If you are a leader, remove the suffering of others. It is important to make people comfortable. And do not harm others in any situation. It is very important not to annoy people, not to cause jealousy to others, and not to harm anyone, including yourself.

You cannot lead others if you cannot lead your own state of being. Let go of ego, attachment, and captivity, and always ask yourself if your day is filled with a pure heart. Check every moment to see if your heart is pure.

You are smiling. That means you are leading yourselves. That’s wonderful.

The most important thing is to keep giving. You can give forgiveness even to those who do you harm. And if you could give money for two cups of coffee a day, how many people could you help and give to? It is very important as a leader to develop that giving spirit.

The people you meet in your life are people with whom you have a relationship. You are me. That person is you. If you think you are yourself, you can give, can’t you?

When I became a monk 25 years ago, People asked me, “Are you tired of life?” or “Is something wrong?”. There were many people who blamed me. But I could not afford to respond to them. Do not fight in any situation. Because all I could think about was how to make it better, how to make it better.

This land was bought from a mentor who told us to buy the land, we bought the land as we were told, and we grew, planted, and nurtured the trees from scratch, from zero. From the very beginning, we have accepted pregnant women in any situation and created an environment where they can feel safe, give birth, and nurture their children. As we continued to do this, we received many people who gave us Tara (goddess) gifts and support.

Keep giving something concrete. It is very important for a leader to keep doing what you believe in. At that time, I never thought that we would be able to build such a big facility and such a big Tara by ourselves. We collected 10 baht donations from people around us to build this facility, and over the past 45 years, we have all built up a lot of trust. It is very important to build up trust every moment. I can show you that you can build something like this from zero. And now we are building the world’s largest Tara (goddess) at 21 meters on a new site. I believe it is very important to build it with our own hands and hearts.

People will believe in those who continue to believe in their own inner courage and destiny. When that happens, you are already a leader.

Tears flow when you touch the depths of your heart, of gratitude, guilt, and other emotions. It is a joy for us to touch the deepest spirit, the deepest soul, the heart. It is the same for rich or not rich, for people in any country.

Everyone can always be in stillness when taking time for meditation anywhere and in any situation. The lotus flower blossoms out of the mud. It is possible to blossom in any situation. It is our joy to be able to layer such deep hearts and to be connected beyond national borders. Let us lay over a rich heart together. It is very important for us to lay our hearts on top of each other in a deep way, transcending national boundaries.

This is your home. You are always welcome to come back and bring your friends. Please stay here next time to see the 21-meter Tara.
Let’s overlap our rich hearts together.