Advisor (specialty: environment / energy)
Born in Tonami City, Toyama Prefecture. Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Economics in 2000. Completed the Executive Management Program (EMP) at the University of Tokyo. Joined Andersen Consulting (currently Accenture Japan). In charge of the energy and chemical industry, he participated in business improvement projects of electric power companies and major chemical manufacturers. Utilizing his knowledge of IT consulting and energy industry, he established RAUL in 2005 and assumed the post of president.
He has served as a director of the Energy Information Center, a director of the Ecomart Steering Committee, a director of the CSR Communication Association, a director of the Tsunagu Future Research Institute, and a member of the Ministry of the Environment, Regional Rehabilitation Energy Service Innovation Promotion Committee(2019).
Besides his main business, he writes and lectures on the environment and energy.
■RAUL, Inc. NEWS https://www.ra-ul.com/news