Ms. Mai Morita

Asian Cultural Exchange Ambassador Japan Representative, Asia Women Leaders Forum
Chairperson, Fam Lab.

Words she holds dear

Nuchidu Takara (Life is giving)
In the Okinawan language, “Life is the treasure’’.
My Soul, the other person’s Soul, and all lives, not just human lives, are treasures and irreplaceable.
I value the importance of understanding the meaning of this phrase and respecting and facing the other person’s life.

The routine she holds dear

When I wake up in the morning, I must take in the morning sun. It is a great way to take in the energy of nature and start a pleasant day.

Message to the Next Generation of Women

To acknowledge yourself. And to take the stance that you are your own biggest supporter and understander. Your own energy is the best source of power for yourself.
There is nothing more powerful than if you can be the most understanding person in the midst of various difficulties in your life.
For this reason, it is very important to find the “core” of your own values. Your past experiences,
what you value with your family, all of these things become your core and what form who you are.

In my case it was Japanese culture. Local traditional festivals that I have participated in since I was a child. Events that have been cherished by our ancestors for generations, and which our generation will inherit and pass down to future generations.
And during the festival, we wear kimonos, drink sake, and the town gets excited as a day of Hare. The sensation of feeling and being in the midst of Japanese culture with all five senses is what has led me to my current life’s work.
If you can acknowledge your own core, it will lead to an unshakable confidence in that choice. And acknowledging yourself will lead to the mental strength to take care of yourself.
It is normal to have many worries and doubts as part of the journey of life.
If you can face each of them from your own stance, you will be able to create the life you want to lead.


Born in Saitama Prefecture. Representative Director of Fam Lab.

As the first Miss SAKE, she has been an ambassador for the sake industry and has been involved in sake-related events not only in Japan, but also in sake awareness activities in 11 cities in 7 countries, including Monaco, Brazil, the United States, and France.

Recently, she has been involved in producing events and re-branding sake as a way to create local regions and culture in order to make sake culture an industry that will continue to grow for decades to come.

She is also involved in export business, overseas events, and inbound tours under the theme of “Cheers and Deliciousness Transcend Borders.

Her story

The major catalyst that changed my life was becoming the first Miss SAKE in 2013.

My life changed dramatically after that day.
Up until then, I had been looking for various opportunities to become a bearer of Japanese culture, but no other initiative “YES!” with me as much as this one.
Of course, I was truly fortunate because I was selected through an audition process, so it was not something I could have chosen to become.
Miss SAKE is a globally-minded Japanese woman who will promote sake, the symbol of Japanese culture, both in Japan and abroad.
I was selected as the first Miss SAKE.
My first business trip was to Brazil.
I went to Brazil, a country on the other side of the world from Japan, to promote sake. Starting with this trip, I have continued to convey the appeal of sake and Japanese culture while circumnavigating the globe twice.


As of June 20 , 2024